The 'organic' certification that organic brands such as Nightwatch carry is not something that just happens. Skal is the supervisor of organic production. The holders... Continue reading
Dutch Triathlon Series BOSBAAN is a unique experience for both the novice and the more trained triathlete. Nightwatch Extreme Energy 100% Plant Based for Focus &... Continue reading
Recycled clothing, vegan sneakers, less meat, less dairy. Consumers today are consciously looking for plant-based products. And research by Kieskompas even shows that about... Continue reading
More and more voices are callling for raising the age limit for purchasing energy drinks from 14 to 18 years. Food watchdog Foodwatch is committed to... Continue reading
The Netherlands have a new government, that instantly seems to shows it’s conscious side regarding health and food. The new coalition wants to discourage eating... Continue reading
It was just a matter of time. Owners of gas stations rapidly discover the trend of drivers that seek more healthy food and drinks during... Continue reading
Nightwatch is 100% organic. This means that Nightwatch has to be Skal certified.What does this actually mean?‘Organic’ is a protected term. The term ‘organic’ may... Continue reading
Nightwatch is vegan. This is why we use the Vegan Trademark.The internationally recognized labeling was introduced to help consumers easily identify that products are free... Continue reading
We have been asked many times if Nightwatch would ever partner with Formula 1. Our answer to that is no, but Formula E definitely YES!... Continue reading